Can Running cause Upper Back Pain?

Do you experience upper back pain when running? If yes, this video explains the pain you’re experiencing. Jogging is a great way to get the exercise that strengthens your heart and improves your body’s endurance. Feeling a little muscle burn in your afterward isn’t uncommon, but some runners experience sharper and more significant upper back Read more about Can Running cause Upper Back Pain?[…]

Is your Newborn causing Neck Pain at Base of Skull?

Do you happen to encounter neck pain at the base of your skull? Today’s video will be explaining such pain. People often think of their lower backs as being at risk from lifting, but your neck is almost as vulnerable. If you do a lot of lifting at work or even if you are just Read more about Is your Newborn causing Neck Pain at Base of Skull?[…]

Is your Newborn Causing Neck Pain and Stiffness?

Neck pain and stiffness is a problem for parents with a newborn. This video will help parents get through that pain. Most cases of neck pain have a postural component as part of the underlying problem. In such cases, recognizing and understanding poor posture can play an important role in finding neck pain relief. When Read more about Is your Newborn Causing Neck Pain and Stiffness?[…]

What Foam Roller is the BEST?

Today’s video talks about foam rollers and how it improves your posture to be better. If you’re not using a foam roller, you should use the proper foam-rolling technique. It is pretty easy to learn and foam rolling can help improve flexibility, strength and help improve muscle recovery. If you want to use the locally grimy free-for-all rollers, Read more about What Foam Roller is the BEST?[…]

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