What Is Fascia?

Across the globe, ordinary individuals may find fascia an overlooked part of the human anatomy. However, we have to pay attention to this to maintain a better health and posture. Fascia comes from a Latin word which means “band,” and its function is to support, attach, stabilize and separate the muscles from different organs in the body.

This head-to-toe interwoven fibrous system looks like a spider web which acts as a strong foundation or framework to the body and to be able to function well as a unit. This video by DW Documentary released in June, 2018 answers questions like what is fascia? and explores the science of fascia in detail. Below are some of the key insights from the video.

What is fascia and how is it connected in the body?What is fascia and how is it connected within the human body?

People may sometimes wonder, what is fascia? because of the mere fact that it is one of the least understood parts of the body. How fascia connects within the body is a puzzle piece, yet it is also a work of art. This tissue is wrapped all over the internal organs of the body. In short, fascia can be seen everywhere in the body and is responsible in essentially holding  everything together.

Does fascia play a role in pain, particularly back pain?

Outside trauma will affect the function of the fascia, but one common underlying cause of pain is poor posture. Naturally, the fascia offers non-restrictive movement. However, when the fascia is restricted, pain and injury can result. Thoracolumbar fascia is the connective tissue present in the upper and lower back. If a person has repetitive stress, poor posture and excessive strain, that’s when thoracolumbar fascia back pain strikes.

How can you relax fascia and decrease pain?How can you relax fascia and decrease pain? - what is fascia

To relieve pain and relax the fascia, relaxation techniques and exercises can be employed, including tissue manipulation and proper stretches or body movements. These do not only offer pain relief, but they also help keep the fascia healthy. Exercise and proper stretching improve the flexibility, strength and stability of the lower back and of your core. However, experts suggest that in order to avoid lower back pain and restrict fascia flexibility, people must start to practice good posture.

Why is fascia significant to human health and well-being?

The complex role of the fascia in the body is imperative. Healthy fascia can result in healthier muscle tissue, fewer physical problems, the absence of chronic pain and a range of motion is not as limited. In brief, a healthy fascia can mean a healthy body as a whole and the absence of pain.

Read more about the benefits of deep tissue massage in our recent blog post or book your therapeutic massage now to release muscle tension and fascia pain.

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